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Okotoks cinemas

100 Stockton Avenue, Okotoks , Alberta T1S 1A9


Movie theater

100 Stockton Avenue,
Okotoks, Alberta
T1S 1A9

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+1 403-938-0722

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Ratings & Reviews

☆ ☆
(3.33 / 5) based on 3 reviews

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  • ☆ ☆
    Still old fashioned but it's fairly cheap and empty on most days except opening weekends.
    By Travis O. Mahon, December 10, 2016
  • ☆ ☆
    Good Popcorn and Great Staff although seats and floor are dirty
    By RibsPlayz !, August 29, 2016
  • It's small and not very flashy, but, it's comfortable and clean. Both the sound and the screen are excellent. We watched Despicable Me 3 and it was good watching it here opposed to driving to a larger theatre.
    By Twithheld Mwithheld, July 14, 2016
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About Okotoks cinemas in Okotoks

Okotoks cinemas is a movie theater in Okotoks, Alberta. Okotoks cinemas is located at 100 Stockton Avenue.

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